DungeonMorph Dice consist of 5 or 6 dice (depending on the set) with six different designs per die. The designs are engraved into these nearly 1″ cubes. Grab some dice to roll a dungeon-on-the-fly. Or use them as inspiration when designing a dungeon. Each side of each die has a large number so it can be used as any other d6 and it has a small letter code signifying the die’s name/purpose noted in parentheses below. For example, the “Barracks” die in the adventurer set has a small “B”.
The original three DungeonMorph dice sets:

DungeonMorph Adventurer Dice Set – Contains 5 dice: the Barracks (B), Dining (D), Halls (H), Worship (W), and Unusual Designs (U) dice.

DungeonMorph Explorer Dice Set – Contains 5 dice: Kill Zones aka Traps (K), Learned Areas such as libraries or mage areas (L), Prisons (P), Tombs (T), and Very Unusual Designs (V) dice.

DungeonMorph Spellunker Dice Set – Contains 5 dice of caverns: One die is “Conjunctions” (C) where dungeons mesh with caverns. The other Spellunker dice are labeled J, Q, X, & Z.
Our settlement dice sets:

DungeonMorph Cities Dice Set – Contains 5 dice of city designs: These are labeled with the letters I, M, N, R, &Y, but have no special meaning.

DungeonMorph Ruined Cities Dice Set – Contains 5 dice of city designs: These are labeled with the letters I*, M*, N*, R*, & Y*, but have no special meaning. They are ruined versions of those same designs in the Cities set.

DungeonMorph Cities Dice Set – Contains 5 dice of city designs: These are labeled with the letters I, M, N, R, &Y, but have no special meaning.
Three more dungeon/cavern sets:

DungeonMorph Delver Dice Set – Contains 6 dice of cavern designs: These are labeled with !, @, #, $ %, and +. The “+” designs are cavern entrances, but otherwise the designations have no special meaning.

DungeonMorph Trailblazer Dice Set – Contains 6 dice of dungeon designs: These are labeled with e (entrances), i (incantation/magic areas), j (jails), o (oddball), r (general rooms), & s (sepulchers).

DungeonMorph Voyager Dice Set – Contains 6 dice of dungeon designs: These are labeled with a (altars/worship areas), f (forges/workshops), g (guardrooms/barracks), m (mezzanines/halls), q (quaint/unusual), & one random die (another dungeon or cavern die).